Data loggers, multimeters, digital storage oscilloscope
By using modular measurement technology, we have the possibility to respond flexibly to your requirements. This enables us to record electrical and physical values, such as voltage, current, resistance, Pt100, thermocouple etc., with up to 512 channels.
Range of services:
- High quality equipment (e.g. Delta Elektronica, Keysight/Agilent, Keithley, Tectronics, Schleich)
- ca 50 DC-power supplies (e.g. 17 V/400 A, 70 V/45 A)
- ca 30 Data loggers
- Shunts for current measurement: 1 mOhm 1 Ohm resp. for current measurement up to 100 A
- Multimeters
- Micro ohmmeter
- Insulation resistance and high voltage tester (Schleich)
- Digital Storage Oscilloscope
DC power supplies
data loggers
- Voltage measurements (DC and AC)
- Resistance measurements
- Current measurement (at high currents indirectly via the voltage drop at shunts)
- Insulation resistance (up to 1000 V DC)
- Withstand voltage (up to 2000 V AC 50 Hz)
Send us your request and we will submit our offer with pleasure.